
Never has luxury been so wired.

Elegance and innovation converge in LUX. As a desk or as a conference table LUX never comprises its classic design lines and polished materials to provide the technology that modern workstyles demand. LUX fulfills the demanding needs of the executive office, the conference room, or the work-from-home dining room in the most masterful way by offering the ease of connectivity without sacrificing looks. Porcelain or wood, acrylic and polished metals combine to deliver a powerful statement of timeless beauty. As hardworking as she is lovely, LUX offers it all…. modern classic elegance with a technology mindset.

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LUX is contract furniture at its highest form. A maximalist approach to desking and conferencing. The most elegant materials, the sinuous curves, the glisten of metal, docking, adjusting and charging means function has never been compromised for form, and vice versa. The balance of power as furniture. LUX offers its users an unequaled style statement with every productivity amenity built into that style. Some of LUX’s unique features are its acrylic edge detail with integrated USB charging hubs, it’s vented laptop docking drawer where you can stealthily run a presentation to the room or connect to your desktop monitors, a height adjustability mechanism that allows its user to preset four different preferred heights and the ability to wirelessly charge a phone. All the benefits of staying wired and never sacrificing style and beauty in the process.

Make your space mobile

International Benching



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